Thursday, June 6, 2013

Secureassets is Scam

Secureassets turned to scam. After promised that LR (liberty reserve) investors paying through PM (perfect money) processor and adding egopay processor, admin leave the program alone then stop paying from other members. I'm making $3.08 per day from this program from my investment of $140 through LR processor. This is another victim from LR shutdown because of only two (2) payment processor accepted, lost $11.18 from this program. This is my income status:

Investment: $140
ROI (Return of Investment): $128.82
LOST - $11.18

I got paid today from adhitprofits (STP-instant), goldalliancefund (STP), hourlychicpay (STP), and briscofund (STP). Adhitprofits is my top #1 profitable program for today that reached over $400+ income. This program going strong and top in alexa ranking from other programs.

Alexa Ranking 3436 ........Moving Fast Towards 2000
Total Paid Members: 12201........ Only 8,000 Away From 20,000
Average Pageviews Per Day: 1303859
Average Daily Unique Users: 225017
Total Cash out: $2,901,100.70
Total Cash out Yesterday: $169,722.80

This is the latest update news about this program that I got in forum:



Those who did not attend this call missed a treat! John Rock, Compliancy Officer was the Guest Speaker! He 
did a slide presentation on Rules and Regulations for Compliancy in MLM, Affiliate and other Kinds of Income Generation Programs.

John Rock has been working with Charles Scoville in making certain we are totally compliant in every way. This will in turn, assure us longevity so that we can feel secure in building a future with AdhitProfits. At this moment
We are in Compliancy. Therefore you will not have to worry about AHP closing down. Your future is in good hands with AHP.

John Rock explained that programs are taken down because of not being in compliance with the laws governing business operations. He went through and explained what the laws were and how these laws affect everyone of us in AHP 

This call is recorded so you should be certain to hear it when the link is posted in this room. It will certain give you more peace of mind and enable you to go forward in AHP building without feeling hesitant for fear of loss.

Stay Tuned for the Recording link.

Goldalliancefund admin sent an update regarding those contest winners from this program. Some members complained about there pending withdrawals but they never read the update about the issue. You may cancel and request a new one if your withdrawal is pending status.


Update and contest winners

Dear GAF Trading Ltd member,

Despite my last email to all members we have still been receiving countless tickets and emails which have been addressed in that email. This hindrance is unacceptable in my opinion and forces me to take action against certain members.

I will not tolerate any foul language or uncalled for rudeness towards my staff. Several members have had their accounts suspended for this reason. Their investments will go into a pool that will serve as a bonus for staff having to put up with this.

Also, many members are not abiding by our terms which they have agreed to when they signed up. I have been lenient here and overlooked many small discrepancies. A second offense will either carry a penalty added to your account or suspension.

The downtime has caused some errors in the database which has been the cause for delays in many pendings not being paid on time. Our tech department has advised that the quickest way for us to recover from the downtime will be to reverse all withdrawals back into your account. Please place your withdrawal again and it will be tended to as usual before the database error.

On a much brighter note. I would like to congratulate the winners for Tuesday and Wednesday who have each received a $45 investment from us for posting a unique payment proof.

Tuesday's Winner

Wednesday's Winner



GAF Trading Ltd CEO

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